Posted by Vaughn [] on Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 12:58:10 :
After searching the internet for engine Redline data for the 230 C.I.D. engine, and finding none other than opinions, the formula used by Road Kill Customs is probably a good guide to use. Here it is:
- Formula for determining engine redline is Stroke x RPM divided by 6 = Piston Speed Per Minute (PSPM). Max PSPM is 4,000 for slightly modified engine.
- If we use 5,000 RPM, and 4.625 for the stroke and apply the formula, we get 3854 PSPM which is probably a good figure for the stock 230 engines.
- The maximum sustained cruising RPM for engines is generally 60% of redline which if we use 5,000 RPM x .60 = 3,000 RPM
- Based on tire height (35 inches), gear ratio (5.83) and a speed of 55 MPH, engine will turn 3,078 MPH
- Based on this, and the tag on your glove box, you should be able to cruise at 55 MPH all day.
Hopefully this will make us a little more comfortable cruising at 55 MPH.
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