Posted by Dave Royal [] on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 11:17:12 :
In Reply to: To all who have responded... posted by DDD [] on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 08:35:22 :
DDD, I have a 58 ff w/230, fatter truck than yours. I had the same problem when I got my truck, even /w 583's the old girl just didn't have much boxin' in her shorts. so I found a dual ace manifold for the intake and put on some repop fenton exausts, I plumbed the exaust back into a single pipe to help make a little more bottom end, used two stock carbs w/ no jet changes. found later a 8to1 compression head and put that on. on slight incines I gain speed now, on the really steep hills the truck will pull down to about 15 mph and still pull, I increased the bottom end by about 25%(guessing) taking off I can feel the truck pulling!!! instead of the normal watching the speedo to see if I'm gaining speed!! these things made my truck way more better to drive and gave the old girl some bottom!! Dave
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