Posted by Dean [] on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 07:39:23 :
Before I finish the new bed wood I wanted to make a test run with fitting it to the frame. The wood and hardware were purchased from Mar-K. They are great to work with. The metal strips have an additional row of holes to even out the spacing of the bolts. Mar-K calls these holes dummy holes and they give you several fender washers to use under the wood. I went an additional step and used a 2"ch by 3/16th" stainless strap under the bed to tie the wood together.
There was a flat bed on the truck when I first saw it so I had no idea how the PU bed fit. And, the bed was purchased in pieces. The frame is from a 1949 FFPW and the bed is from a 1955 FFPW so I wanted to be sure everything was correct.
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