Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Friday, May 04, 2018 at 02:19:20 :
In Reply to: Electrical Issues posted by Ken [] on Thursday, May 03, 2018 at 21:00:11 :
On the brake lights, are the brakes dragging ever? Had the problem on my first M37 and learned that there are two ports in the MC between the reservoir and the cylinder. The larger (~1/8") port is obvious. But there's a little tiny one (#72 torch tip cleaner fits it) that allows excess pressure to bleed off when the pedal is up. If that hole is clogged with rust, which easily happens OR if the brake pedal isn't set to have enough free travel, pressure will build up and the brake lights will come on. If it's worse than that, the brakes will drag. If the WDX has a similar master cylinder, look for that tiny bleed hole and make sure it's clean, and make sure the pedal has enough free play.