Posted by Ken [] on Thursday, May 03, 2018 at 21:00:11 :
Ran into 3 interesting electrical problems on my 46 WDX.
Went for a drive a week ago and discovered I had no headlights unless I wiggled the switch. Must have something loose inside, wires are tight????
When I used the turnsignals they flash really fast, usually the sign of a bad bulb or short. Same situation on either side and with 4 ways, no bulbs burn't out anywhere. Flasher bad????
Here's the best one. Worked on a welding project yesterday in the garage. Walked around the back of the PW to get the welder, back again to get rods and helmet and turn power onto welder. Finished welding went to put welder away and both brake lights on the power wagon were now on!!! Pumped the brake pedal twice and they went off. I had not touched the truck.
Garage is only heated in winter on days when I am working out there, perhaps corrosion from cold and condensation??? (unvented gas heat)
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