Posted by Marty [] on Wednesday, November 08, 2017 at 00:14:30 :
I know what you're thinking...Marty's gonna go on another're absolutely correct.
It actually makes me mad when I stumble across their rediculous abortions on EBay. It's not the price...I mean $265k or $265 dollars...they don't interest me in the slightest nor do they have any resemblance to a Power Wagon.
It makes me mad that they allow this crap to be sold on EBay & yet they have Chrysler signage on them...that should be illegal?? EBay is very clear with their listings...with clone cars etc & yet they allow these horrible creations to be put up week after week...the same mundane ads so they can market them to Egypt or some other land where the folks aren't quit as savy.
If I was given the red $265k dollar whatever you want to call it...I'd pull the cab off that CCSammy built, I'd undo every last bolt & screw from the interior & id toss every piece into a trash compactor. Then I'd take the chassis...along with the electrinic crappy power plant & id roll it into sinking sand...the end.
The value of the vehicle? Whatever Sam charges for a cab minus my time to dispose of everything else.
The end
Maybe getting hit in the head has made me slightly irritable this evening but I tell you Joe...we should take those off the "Power Wagons on EBay" link because my Marmon Harrington Ford is far more Dodge Power Wagon than any of that crap is.
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