Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 13:23:49 :
In Reply to: Pics of 83900012 posted posted by MichaelM in MI [] on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 21:00:03 :
1) You have the early hand throttle control with the bakelite knob.
2) The truck is early enough the it may never have come with grill side trim pieces installed.
3) The electric windshield wiper motor appears to be a later add-on as the typical outside mounting bezel is not there. That bezel requires one additional hole in the cab for the sheetmetal screw that keeps the motor from rotating.
4) The carb appears to be the correct early ET1 or ET2 by the two-bolt flange throttle shaft housing.
5) Missing radiator shroud. However, the early radiator shrouds did not have a clearance notch for the pulley and clutch on the governor - maybe the early trucks came without a shroud when equipped with the governor?
6) There is no interior dome light or air adjustable seat cushion indicating that this is not a Deluxe cab, however deluxe cabs may have not been available that early. Vent wings would not have been possible in this early of a Power-Wagon assuming it has the correct early doors.
7) The hood sides have the grounding block holes that were found on the military trucks. Typical of very early Power Wagons.
8) Rear shocks!
9) Air cleaner not typical Power_Wagon. May be another early unique item.
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