Posted by Matt Wilson [] on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 21:59:41 :
Based on what I have read, carburetors need to be re-jetted with slightly larger jet sizes in order for the engine to run properly on E10 gasoline, but is it really that big a deal? I have poked around on a this website and the Power Wagon Advertiser website, and have only found trace evidence of any problems caused by not jetting for it.
If there were really significant problems, it seems that people on these forums would be griping all the time about low power, poor idling, hard starting, and having to re-jet to make up for it, but I don't seem very much of that. I know some folks try to find ethanol-free gas, but I'm sure there are plenty of you who use E10 and have used it for a long time, and haven't had much problem with carb jetting or other carb setup parameters, like float level, etc.
Your guidance would be appreciated.
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