Posted by Desoto61 [] on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 12:31:37 :
Slowly getting the bed finished (this is an earlier photo but best shows the back end), have my tool/battery box just about done, rear bumper and lights are mostly complete, need to patch and re-mount the fenders, but the big remaining project before blast and paint is trying to come up with some sort of tailgate.
I'm re-using the original wrecker bed, the frame was modified for it, and it is unique, plus I already have it. There was no reason for a rear bulkhead/tailgate originally though, and as I'd like to use it like a normal truck the ability to prevent things from sliding out the back would be handy. So I have a few ideas but figured I'd pick the brains of people here and see what kind of interesting things pop out.
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