Posted by Dave [] on Friday, January 22, 2016 at 13:50:11 :
does one, or could one encounter?
Is it SHELF life that's the issue? water obsorbtion? does the fuel loose its "flammability" or strength over time?
I have been having issues with my truck.. Of course I get whatever is at the pump, and I suppose (not 100% sure) its got some amount of ethanol. I have had the same tank of gas in it for well over one year.
of course I add to it from time to time, but some of the original fuel remains.
I have had poor idling as of late.
Could OLD modern fuel do this?
Well to be cautious I drained the tank.. and to see what was in there, I used a very clean white bucket to capture it and see..
Once drained, I let sit overnight to settle.
What I found in the nearly 4 gallon of fuel was what looked like a bit of water floating about the bottom.
add to that, some sort of "yellowish" oily mix.. not sure what that could be, but its NOT from the tank (IT was relined and the liner is bright silver in color)
just wondering if this was part of my idling issues.
Anyway, I didn't replace the fuel yet and try restarting.
Just curious if others get contaminants like I described in their tanks.
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