Posted by Vaughn [] on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 22:13:11 :
In Reply to: Looking for input on front axle rebuild posted by wayneh [] on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 20:49:40 :
- Stay with the Bronze upper cone.
- No, you can't use a Speedy-Sleeve on the axle to correct the seal wear, if you try, you will not be able to get the axle through the trunnion bushing when trying to install the axle.
- Drive the trunnion bushing and oil seal together when installing. Oil seal in front of bushing when driving both in at the same time.
- It's a good idea to replace both tie rods ends when doing a front rebuild.
- Take the drag link tube apart at both ends and check for wear and broken springs.
- If for some reason you have to replace one of the knuckle flange halves, you need to get another knuckle and use both halves. Upper/lower Knuckle flange are machined as an assembled unit, you can't mix/match parts.
- After install the bearing caps, tap with a hammer to full seat bearing cone/race before checking pre-load.
- Follow instructions for rebuild.