I need BIGTIME help

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Posted by Jaime Tepes on Monday, August 20, 2001 at 0:49AM :

I was coming from a car show today and I had my 1977 Dodge M880 idling in the street. It was running and idling perfect and then all of the sudden it just shut off as if someone had turned off the ignition key. When I tried to restart it a puff of white smoke poured out of the air cleaner and that's it. it will not start and me and my father had gone through everything. the carb is working and shooting gas out of the jets. I tried pouring gas into the carb and nothing, but starting fluid makes it want to attmept to start but not stay running. It's not a starter problem cause it attempts to start, and i tried another coil and dist. rotor. I am all out of ideas, Please tell me if anyone else out there experienced this situation. I would really like to get my truck running and out of my parent's yard.

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