Posted by Kevin in Ohio [] on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 14:02:20 :
In Reply to: Broken or stuck screws new method? posted by scott 56 [] on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 10:44:45 :
If you can't get the piece to a drill press/mill here is something that will help if you want to drill it straight. This is if ALL else has failed and you HAVE to drill it out. Grind flush and Carefully mark the center. Don't get confused by looking at the thread circle, it is not central as it's a spiral. Marking the hole with a sharp scribe works the best for me. I start with a SHARP center drill.
Once the center is established, get a thicker block of steel and drill it on your drill press to your pilot drill size. Then clamp the piece to where thick steel will act as a 90 degree guide for the drill. It is a poor mans mag drill if you will. Has served me well over the years. Step up drill till you get to the edge of the threads. you can use easy outs and left hand drill too once you get the centered, straight hole going.