Posted by Don in Missouri [] on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 16:22:50 :
In Reply to: Toyota is just beginning to sell hydrogen fuel cell cars. posted by gmharris [] on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 15:01:26 :
Electric motors are great when you can plug them in, or if you have a diesel engine running an on-board generator. Liquid fuels are the best way to store energy for transportation, and that is not going to change.
Hydrogen is just an expensive form of electricity, because it takes electricity to generate hydrogen.
Diesel is here to stay. You're right about that. One thing that gasoline has going for it, is that it is a byproduct of refining petroleum diesel. We used to talk about diesel being a byrpoduct of gasoline refining, but now the economics have reversed. Demand for diesel fuel is strong. Diesel is what is driving refinery output. As long as we keep refining diesel, we will have gasoline to burn, and therefore we will have gasoline cars.
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