Posted by jerryinidaho [] on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 12:43:04 :
I finished installing the 3000# Superwinch on my little hoist on the WDX.
I just barely avoided some real exciting times. They supplied a circuit breaker which has a metal frame and two lugs for power in and power out. I was planning to make a little bracket to mount it to the firewall, when a small shot of logical thinking kicked in. I noticed the cable lugs were not insulated from the metal frame that holds the whole arrangement together. Sure enough, my test light showed the frame was hot when the battery cable was connected. I'm glad I discovered that before bolting it to the firewall. The only way this thing can be safe is to tie it away from any body panels, or completely wrap it in electrical tape. So, I sent an email off to Superwinch to see what they have to say. At the very least, I am going to find a better replacement that can be securely mounted without electrifying the entire truck. Thank goodness for imported products.
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