Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 16:36:14 :
In Reply to: A-frame hoist posted by Stan [] on Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 12:29:10 :
What I did on my M35 is the simplest method -- make the A-frame tall enough that you can run a line from the top of it back to the pintle hook on the back end of the truck. Turn the pintle upside down so as not to strain the latch. The problem with this method is you're limited in how far you can lay the A-frame down without the guy line hitting the back top of the cab. Better methods use a rigid frame, which also prevents the common problem of flipping the frame backwards onto the cab, but rigid frames tend not to be removable.
To set up my A-frame, I find something to park the truck in front of that will allow me to lean the tops of the A-frame poles against it, like a shed or a fat tree branch. I get them in place, put the pins in the top and bottom, and rig the line to the back. Ideally, I'll lay the poles against something fairly low and then when they're pinned together and the rigging is on, drive forward slowly until they come up high enough so the guy line will clear the cab.
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