Posted by John in Utah [] on Friday, February 28, 2014 at 12:00:15 :
In Reply to: Spindle Nut Torque? posted by CSCameron [] on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 14:49:45 :
I also go by feel.
some of the things others have mentioned are right on with what i have done.
my process:
remove the break pads/caliper, let the wheel spin with no drag.
crank the inner nut like crazy!! you want that inner bearing seated against that shoulder. then back off 1/4 turn.
give the wheel and tire a spin, if it has resistance (remember no break pads here) then you are too tight, i also look for subtle hints like when the tire comes to a stop, does it slow and then evenly stop or does it all of a sudden stop, if you are too tight it will slow then stop suddenly.
I even lower the jack and then with the weight of truck on the tire push back and forth (sideways) to look and listen for play.
Last but not least is to put the brakes back on and go for a drive.
The worst thing you can do is to have it too tight which will burn up the bearing, so after a 30 min drive, check for heat, if you can't touch it without getting burned you are way too tight!
i have sometimes had to redo some of mine a couple times before i got it right.
good luck!