Posted by jerryinidaho [] on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 11:15:38 :
In Reply to: Shout out to San Jose Generator posted by scott 56 [] on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 10:23:46 :
When I was a kid, there were little shops like that all over. They specialized in generators, carburetors, sharpening tools and blades, etc. There were service stations that sold gas and serviced your car. There were tire shops that didn't care if it was a split ring or not. There were bicycle shops, surfoard shops. There was a donut shop that opened at 4:00 am and a group of old timers met there every morning to discuss the world's problems and offer up opinions on how to solve them. The theater offered a matinee showing, and two other evening showings, and you got a briefing on the news, a cartoon and the full movie, popcorn and a coke for 25 cents. Small gun shops, small cafes, things were different. Now we have chain store food, tires, guns, auto parts. And don't forget the wireless communications on every corner. And I write all of this bellyaching from my computer. Ha ha. But it is sad that all of the little guy shops are disappearing. Jerry
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