Posted by George in MI [] on Monday, July 01, 2013 at 15:28:42 :
I blew out the gas line from the front towards the tank, it seems to be open
I changed the little gas line hose from the stop cock on the frame to the pump.....the old rubber line did seem to be at least partially plugged.
I can start the truck easily by putting gas directly into the float bow...runs for 10-20 seconds until the fuel is gone. There is no evidence that the pump is working because I have a see-through filter (installed the right way) and I can see that no gas is getting pumped in.
Do I need to prime the fuel pump in some I know the gas line from the tank is empty because I had blown it out to confirm it was open....but can the pump work at all if it has no gas in it?
If I do need to prime the pump, how should I do this?
By the way, just to enhance my frustration, one of my batteries died while it sat for a couple I had to fix that first.
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