Posted by NJjim [] on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 10:49:55 :
In Reply to: Re: Stumped posted by Jerry in Idaho [] on Monday, June 24, 2013 at 14:09:11 :
The trees were trimmed off at about 15' high. I did not cut the tree until they were pulled out. I thought that the weight of the top would help with the removal as it was being pulled over and out. I connected the cable with the snatch block on it about 18"-2' off the ground. In using the snatch block I pulled out the cable to the stump then back to the truck where I used a leader chain hooked onto the pull hooks on each side of the winch to attach the end of the cable. The snatch block with the cable was then attached to the stump. I also had to chain the rear of the truck to a nearby tree because the strain was moving the truck forward. This proceedure worked excellent. The motor only had to idle as the stumps were pulled out.
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