Posted by Justin in NJ [] on Monday, March 04, 2013 at 16:23:28 :
So I am ready to turn my motor over for the first time. I have rebuilt the entire engine and converted it to 12 volt thanks to Vintage Power. I am having an issue with creating spark. I have power going from my + post on the battery to the starter solenoid and then from there to the + post on the 12v coil. On the - post of the coil is a wire going to the distributor. That seems to be hot also. However I am not generating spark. I replaced the points, rotor, rotor cap and condenser in the dist. and still have no spark. So I called Vintage and they told me most likely the distributor is shot ( springs and weights). After all, it is the original. They gave me a quote to rebuild the distributor. 250 dollars or thereabouts. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be looking for or something to try before I drop almost 300 bucks on such a small part.
Thanks for your time.
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