42 carryall, I think ?

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Posted by Phil on Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 3:07AM :

looking for contacts and any info on how to restore origional.Engine needs rebuilt,where can I get kit.What size engine does this critter have.I'm going to farm out body work(no time or experiance)going to have soda blasted unless some one can convince me sand is better.Where is serial for engine,frame,chassie,does serial tie these all together for origionality.How do you decepher serial.I.E, does serial let you know paint or branch of service.Understand none of these critters came out with winches(darn).Did any have combat wheels,if so gona need some (anybody ?)Did any come with machine guns, mounts.IF so you guessed it! gona need one.What mounted on drivers side between two back side windows theres 3 holes one is bigger then other two.what was the pintal ment to tow. Probably trailer or artlary what model(s)Yep gona need!Missing back seats and passanger.The little paint thats left on hood is a forest service (airforce) green and says on hood (USAF) with some numbers stenciled below.Gordon has a great site,is anybody else into Carryalls or have info to share. At ease men Phil
MY number is 208-543-6901

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