Posted by NJjim [] on Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 11:46:08 :
So Saturday was a beautiful day and I fire up the 48 PW and go for a drive around rural Warren County NJ. I stop at a local mall with a small Pizza shop, known for its Pie, to go to the bathroom and get a slice of pie before returning home after a wonderful drive. When I go back to the PW there is a car into the rear of my PW. The Drawbar hitch is imbedded in the grill of the car up to the belt pulley, which was attached. The twenty something male is pacing back and forth looking at the connection.
He sees me and asks if it is my truck and I reply "Yes". He then goes on to say that I speared his car. I point out that my truck was properly parked and that he RAN INTO my truck. However, he continued to go on and on about how his car was speared by me, all the time using profanity in the exchange. A woman who pulled up even asked this unstable person to not use that language. Anyhow, long story short, there were two people who witnessed the whole debacle and the police arrived to make a report. The Police Officer basically told the nitwit he was responsible for the accident as he was inattentive. All through this 45 minute incident I did not know WEATHER TO LAUGH, CRY, or get ready to defend myself because of this kooks erratic behavior. There really is not any damage to the PW, except for some paint scraped and the very end of the drawbar hitch bent slightly. I am glad that the hitch was on otherwise he would have been under the truck and into the fuel tank and rear crossmember.
Has anyone else ever been involved in an accident with thier PW? How and What happened? It would seem like an interesting topic for discussion as to what happened and how the PW was affected, if at all. Also, what happened to the other vehicle involved. Thanks for listening.
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