Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Thursday, July 05, 2012 at 17:04:46 :
In Reply to: Re: Interesting posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Thursday, July 05, 2012 at 16:00:18 :
Any way to do your load bank so the energy isn't wasted, like use it for space heating in the winter or hot water in the summer? I guess if you're running for an extended period of time in the summer, you're stuck with it. There's an outfit in Deming, WA called "Canyon Industries" that makes small and medium sized hydroelectric plants. They almost always use an electronically controlled load bank to keep the load on the turbine constant so as to regulate its speed without having to use a mechanically-controlled needle valve or vanes.
Their systems cut in various loads as needed, starting with "useful" ones like a domestic water heater or resistance space heaters, and ending with a water-cooled load bank that just dumps the energy into the water leaving the turbine. You could do something like that to automatically dump "excess" electricity in to useful loads first, in several stages, before dumping it into the outside air.