Posted by chris case [] on Sunday, July 01, 2012 at 14:43:50 :
In Reply to: Clutch Rattle problem. posted by The Dodge Boys [] on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 14:11:11 :
Pushing on the clutch pushes the crank forward with 1,000#. So if there is excess thrust wear internally, it may move forward enough to make something rub.
I suppose you have tried a 'sounding bar' or stethoscope to everything you can? Tranny, generator, etc?
Motor mounts? Depending on the linkage system, they could be flexxing under the push of the linkage. Direction would depend on linkage design. Pull up, push down, push forward, or if hydraulic, e) none of the above. Except maybe flexxing the firewall?