Posted by chriscase [] on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 20:56:39 :
In Reply to: Bending Cast Iron posted by gmharris [] on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 20:46:46 :
The new one would be chrome plated too. Cut a section lengthwise and unroll it out flat. Hole saw and solder.
Cast should get malleable when red hot. That is how 'steel' and 'wrought iron' used to be made. But I've only tried bending it cold. It busted. 36" band saw wheel that had a flat spot. Still did after the braze repair. I had to cast a polyurethane tire onto it, then turn it round with a router jig. Balanced it by trial and error by wrapping a strip of lead around various spokes until it was good. Worked well for years, when sold.