Posted by Dave K. Royal [] on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 21:17:27 :
Dennis Sherman, I have a refurbished Trico vaccum pump that is an old six volt model. I am getting ready to install it on my truck, (58FFPW, 12v.) I had it hooked to my six volt battery charger on boost, the pump was running very well and was drawing 16-17 amps on the chargers meter. I wish I had a more accurate way to measure draw but I don't. Sooo, if I run three or four ballest resisters in parellal in the line on the feed side will that work, and will it carry enought amperage to run the vaccum motor under load. the above test was run with the vaccum motor pulling a wiper motor w/ no load (lying on bench) ran very well also. the motor will only have to pull one wiper, the wife thinks the wipers stopping in a driving storm is "quaint" , so I will leave her side hooked to the intake, hahahahaha. Dave.
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