Posted by Tim Holloway [] on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 00:07:30 :
So a few weeks ago I saw on Ebay a cool clock from a fighter plane. Ana-log, key wound, not electric, and small. Would look good in my M37. I dropped out of the bidding when it got too rich for my taste. Then started looking around for similar items. Found one supposedly from a Russian fighter plane, about the same size (2 3/8") ana-log, key wound. It was in Eastern Europe, so I bid on it with some trepidation. Opening bid was $20, shipping 10. I figured I could risk that, so I bid the $20. Nobody else bid, so I got it. Again with reluctance, I paid for it. Low and behold, when I got home from Yellowstone, there it was. I wound it up and set the hands and it runs really well.
On the back were 2 posts, and 27v marked between them. I figured a light, and figured 24 volts was closeenough, so I put power to them, and nothing happened. I figured blown bulb, and wondered what a Russian bulb would look like. I took the back off the clock, and instead of a light there was a silver box on the back of the back cover. I took it apart and inside was a series of mica plates, the middle one had the 2 posts that protrude through the back. In between the posts was a thin piece of wire coiled around the mica. I realized I was not looking at a light, but a heater! I guess in the high altitude the mechanical clocks must not work in the cold and need some additional help! While I had it out, I put 27 volts to it, and it heated right up! I plan on mounting it to the face of my windshield defroster, so it should like the warm environment!
See something new every day!
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