Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 13:03:53 :
In Reply to: Re: E7S1 question... posted by rick pacholski [] on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 12:42:00 :
There SHOULD be a factory adaptor between the carb and the manifold. Its purpose is to change the bolt orientation from side-to-side to front-to-back and it is kind of shaped like a 4-leaf clover. All Civilian WDX-WM300 model Power-Wagons with the 230 engine used this adaptor.
If there was a working carb above this adaptor and it did not have an integral governor, then either the governor housing and guts were removed and a solid shaft created to control the throttle plate, or you have a different carburetor altogether that was not designed with an integral governor. The E7T1 and E7T2 models are examples of carbs that were not designed with, and did not require, an integral governor, but you could add a sandich goveror between them and the manifold, which some Power-Wagons did use.
To clarify. Carbs with the integral governor do not have a throttle plate. The throttle plate is actually part of the governor sub-assembly. Remove the governor, the throttle plate and shaft come with it.
I have carbs with the boss in place for the crankcase vent tubing, but which was never drilled and tapped. These carbs were for some trucks other than Power-Wagons.
If your top does not line up hole-to-hole, I would say the parts got interchanged at some point.
Pictures would be a big help.
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