Posted by Jim Hauls! [] on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 09:58:11 :
In Reply to: OT: Hauling Prices-What's the current loaded mile price? posted by Kevin [] on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 09:04:18 :
Like everything else, there is a actual cost
to haul any vehicle on a trailer
PW vehicles are longer, taller, considerably
heavier to tranport & are often bought
in remote areas off the shipping routes
Like the mountains west of Denver
Or southern New Mexico
A haul of a few hundred miles can easily
involve hundreds of miles more in unloaded
mileage charges to get to the pick up point
and from the drop off point to the next haul
Brokers will promise transport at a rate
that is not possible and for a timeframe
that is not realistic - after all they
are not operating the equipment
People that transport & operate their
own equipment should be able to provide
you with a realistic timeframe for transport
and a real world budget for your haul
No one likes $4.00 a gallon diesel
It directly impacts the cost of operating
a truck & trailer beyond filling the tank
Tires - maintenance - repair have all risen
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