Posted by Jackson Reimund on Friday, February 02, 2001 at 1:39AM :
In Reply to: Paint on the inside of tranny and engine posted by Matt Wilson on Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 11:41PM :
Hello Matt,
Like Cheyenne Dave says it helps seal the porous nature of cast metal and it promotes oil run off to the pan or bottom of the case. Helps to keep sludge and metallic particles from clinging to the case walls and allows it to wash freely to the bottom where it belongs. That’s one reason non detergent oil works so well in these motors. The stuff that clings should and the stuff that shouldn’t doesn’t. Removing the oil pan to remove this sludge is a regular part of service. Detergent oil keeps it all in suspension and scours a little to well and the filters don’t really clean that good.
You will find this paint in aluminum cases as well. My Harley has it in the motor cases and transmission. I use it in all oil bath cases. Trucks and motorcycles. Including the differential, transfer and winch cases.
As far as what kind of paint to use? No special thing here just “Rust-oleum“ Rusty Metal Primer (V7769) otherwise called red oxide damp proof primer. Best applied right after hot tanking or steam cleaning when it is bone dry and the temperature is above 70 degrees. Grab a couple of spray cans and have at it. Plenty of other places on that 49 to use it as well.
“Best of Luck“ ... Jackson
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