Posted by Guy(Ut) on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 7:36PM :
In Reply to: M880 driveshaft question posted by brent on Monday, January 08, 2001 at 5:39PM :
Are you measuring the drive line while it's still on the vehicle? I suspect that the PW with the longer dimension drive line has more suspension lift so the slip joint is extended more. I suggest you measure the drive line this way: Slide the slip joint out until the two ends come completely apart(be sure that you mark the original spline orientation first as this is importatant for phasing the U-joints properly.) Now measure the drive line frome the end of the front splined shaft to the rear U-joint. By the way, the rear drive shaft will always be rotating when the vehicle is moving, regarless of whether or not its in gear. This is true for part or full time 4X4's. The front drive shaft is a different story. On full time rigs it will always spin proportionally to the speed of the wheel, regardless of wether the transmission or tranfer case is in gear or neutral(same as the rear.) Part time 4X4 WILL DO EXACTLY THE SAME THING IF THE HUBS ARE LOCKED AT THE AXLE. It is only when the hubs are unlocked AND the transfer case is in neutral or 2WD that the front drive shaft on a part time 4X4 will not spin or spin slowly(due to viscous drag forces.) Hope this helps.
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