Posted by OleManIdaho [] on Tuesday, December 07, 2010 at 16:13:28 :
In Reply to: December 7th, 1941 posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Tuesday, December 07, 2010 at 07:46:28 :
My grandfather was inducted into the US Army during WWII. He went to Fort Wolters, TX for basic training. He served as an MP while there. When training was completed for his unit they lined up at the train tracks for shipping out. As he was standing in line with full battle gear a jeep pulled up to the line with some officers. They jumped out and asked if there were any mechanics or blacksmiths. My grandfather had been both prior to the war. He and another fellow stepped out. They told them to get in the jeep they were now in the Army Air Corps. He was shipped to a secret base near Battle Creek, MI where he spent the rest of the war retrofitting military aircraft with some sort of new weapons system. He never said what. They would fly around to different airbases making the changes to aircraft. Two weeks before the war ended the plane he was in crashed somewhere in Michigan. He survived and was taken to Percy Jones Army Hospital in Battle Creek. He was a patient there when the war ended. He never received anything for his injuries during the war. He never complained about it. He always wondered what would have happened to him had he boarded that train.
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