Posted by copey [] on Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 05:37:35 :
the north American economy is done .Gold has topped 1300 which translates into zero faith in the American economy . What will happen in the next twenty five years will be something like mad max Thunderdome . It hasnt taken long for every thng to be made off shore that was quick and profitable for share holders .Losing the manufacturing sector ,dependence on foreign oil ,maintaining military ,home land security has robbed the tax payers coffers and leaving no money for rebuilding of the North American dream !If every one started today to rebuild what we have lost would/will take over twenty five years to restablish !!!!! There are so few pure bred N.Amercan products left and foreign ownership has infiltrated the mind set of business like a cancer . It will take a economic disaster and depression of biblical proportions to really start a change and bring back a solid north American economy .It will take might, force and leadership to recapture the lost plunder of so many years .It come back it will start like a grass roots movement , "buy it made here" will be the motto and it will spread like a wild fire from town to town , state to state across the nation and so it will "be expected' then demanded that the goods we buy are manufactured here . Then like a wave the message will travel to the agriculture sector ,"home grown" and it will continue to spread in every conceivable industry acroos the land .Just as unions spread in 20s and 30s , paid a fare wage for a hard days work .This ideal , buying a product produced from your hard days work wages will be spent on a nieghbour a friend or relative,or fellow country man ,who has made some thing you purchased .That is the reward of the movement it has to be pursued with a passion IF IT DOSENT SAY MADE IN AMERICA it isnt good enough for me Take a stand DEMAND INSIST REFUSE SUFFER and go with out but source that brand name label that proudly bears made in you own country settle for nothing less you will make the change for better life for you your family and your country ~ Copey
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