Posted by Chriscase [] on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 20:37:22 :
In Reply to: Found this sticker on the wheels of '48 PW posted by Jonas [] on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 18:44:07 :
"In the process" instead of "Today, I'm changing tires". Better to spend a couple days on that phase.
One of the top three hardest days work I've ever done was the day I rotated tires between three trucks. A 100 degree day, spent under the shade in the front yard, with a split rim hammer and some tire spoons. (I hope that is not where the term 'spooning' came from) The shade was from Brazilian pepper tree, I hated that tree. It had a major branch 6'2 1/2" above ground level. I'm 6'3". Perfect height to compress a neck vertebra every time I stood up under that damn limb. One of the three happiest days of my life was the day we cut that s.o.b. down.
The three days of hardest work, was running a tar kettle to hot mop a coat tail relatives roof, and stacking 11 tons of hay bails into the sheds at my bosses house. He was an ex WWII marine, Tarawa, founded Petco.
Looking back at those three days, I might trade them for a landing at Tarawa.
Good luck on your tire busting Jonas. Have ans Iced Tea.
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