Posted by Paul(in NY) [] on Sunday, August 01, 2010 at 13:56:26 :
Back from the Vermont Rally. I am wild and crazy. The 133 mile ride to the Rally was uneventful, with Smokey just running beautiful. Sometime Friday evening or Saturday morning, at the rally site, someone screwed with my brake proportion control valve. The result was no rear brakes and then at times they would get just enough brake fluid to apply and not quickly release. Someone cranked the proportion valve all the way down, then just cracked it a hair open. And no, vibration could not move the valve, its to tight to turn by vibration. I was not sure what was causing the problem, so I parked Smokey and did not drive it, no road rally, no trail ride......Smokey sitting there out of service. All I wanted to do was get it home, then figure what failed. On my way back to the motel last night, I thought of the Proportion Control Valve. Got to the motel and found the problem. Someone cranked the valve closed, then just cracked it open a hair. Once the Brake Proportion Valve was readjusted late last night at the motel, the ride home was as perfect as was the ride to the rally. When you have a failure, you never suspect sabotage at a rally.......especially BRAKES !! And trust me, that valve really turns hard, on the ride home, it never moved a tad.
The moral of this story is NEVER NEVER leave your hood open unless your standing there.