Posted by copey [] on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 07:14:14 :
In Reply to: Re: I AM SO GOOD posted by John (in NH) [] on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 06:14:07 :
Yesterday started about ten days ago when I burnt my right hand , I have little feeling in my hands so the burn didn’t feel all that bad . Well some infection set in and the hand is some sore , so sore I am not sleeping. I wanted to do the brakes on the power wagon but could not , due to the sore hand .When I came back from coffee at four a m yesterday , I told my son , who was on fire watch that I was just going to sleep off the day , under no circumstances should I be woke up ,I needed some sleep. At nine thirty some one is asking me “ is ok to let the dog out for a pee”. So much for sleeping . Now I am awake , in the kitchen my oldest daughter is just looking out the window bored out of her mind .I told her I didn’t want to tackle to much today but she could make two new screens for upstairs . Off to town we go , we head to the super lumber store grab four pieces of 1 x 3 x 8 foot and some screen ,and some cheap staples 52.46 . So at home I ask her to rip the 1 x3 in half ,key word RIP . I am changing my clothes I hear the saw ,when I come out to see if I could help ,she had sawed the boards in half literally .No good I wanted them ripped we have to back to town for more 1x 3s . At the lumber store the guys at the counter are teasing me for coming back so soon . Back home again I give my daughter the measurements I needed , and go upstairs to take out the windows . The windows tip in to clean and have screws at the bottom , rusted screws from the boys peeing out the window for twenty years , there is a bathroom but boys will be boys . Ok the screws are green Robertson , my green Roberson is a bit worn and the screws are tight , no luck turning the screws . I have a new set of screw drivers from super tire store 21 pieces but no green Robertson .Now I am leaning outside trying to turn the screws ,I only needed the window to tip another inch ,so I would not fall out . I blow the window up ! ok we don’t need it till fall .I clean the broken glass and go outside to get the tape measure ,the tape measure is in the driveway looking like a road kill, its guts are all out . broken spring inside the tape measure . Its only two weeks old so I take it back to super tire store , a nice kid helps me out says they will replace it , easy fix . he is gone twenty minutes I don’t have that time to waste ,now the manager shows up “ said we don’t have a replacement tape “ I said ill just buy another and get going .No he wasn’t going to have be “buy” another he said he would fill out the warranty and credit me for the tape ,another 30 minutes before he comes back . the clock is ticking . home again ,calmed down , 20 minutes to take the plastic of the roll of screen! Ten minutes to make the frame and it fits . I ask my daughter to drive a nail to hold the screen in place I am holding the nail she misses the nail not once but hits my sore hand THREE times . Success albeit slow ,we were moving a head on to the second window , my daughter who took cabinet making in school has cut the last pieces short, I am now steaming so bad I thought the smoke detector would go off , super lumber store is now closed . I am now on a scavenger hunt for some wood any wood around the farm . I have some odd pieces in the drive shed in the rafters ,I am standing on a milk pail to get a better look I take a header off the milk pail ,more steam and some cuss words . I found a 1 x 6, I could rip back in business again , make the frame , again twenty more minutes to take the darn plastic of the second roll of screen . Go to staple the screen to the frame ,out of staples , so I open the small box of econo crap staples , insert said staples they only go half way down the staple gun , you pay for what you get and I get another hour of unjaming the staple gun of junk staples ,but if I put five or six staples in at a time it works , so another half hour to staple the screen ,five or six staples at a time .I am a little worn out by now but I am hanging the last screen ,there’s nobody around because dad is breathing fire in frustration . I am driving in the last nail to hold the screen in to the window frame ,somebody who shall remain nameless pokes their head in the room and yells suppers ready just I was putting the final blow on the nail my attention diverted to the yelling , I missed the nail and I put the hammer clean through screen .Euchred ! . Now the end run of this I am down close to a hundred fifty bucks , I didn’t want to anything but sleep all day ,everybody was hiding from dad and now I want jump out widow in fit of rage or suicide by skill saw . As I looked at the hole in the screen a few tear rolled down my cheek ,then a quiet hush fell over me , super lumber store , super tire store ,super glue a patch over the hole ,God ~ Copey
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