Posted by Don Tucker in Oakland, MD [] on Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 19:56:42 :
In Reply to: Aberdeen Show and Lessons re-learned. Also HELP for a Comman posted by Donald F. Blair [] on Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 19:02:29 :
Good jest, me fiend. Spent the entire day Friday at Aberdeen, (Ripken Stadium). You and I probably crossed paths, and maybe more than once. 'Tis the first time I have seen a UH-1 "Huey" on display there. (Although it had metallic paint.)
Yes, I looked a lot of stuff and even found some Dodge parts for sale. Seems like the Dodge stuff is something no one knows about 'till ya start asking for a particular part. "Say What??"
I especially liked the WC Closed cab half-ton on display, 'cause I have one, too.
Been there, done that. Most Vendors there are already on the 'Net. It's not hard to find the stuff what you might need. Parts is parts.
Aberdeen East Coast Rally was good this year. No rain, and not on Memorial Day weekend.
'Nuff Said!!!