Posted by Gil [] on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 00:34:42 :
In Reply to: Re: Weird brake pulsation posted by Keith in Washington [] on Friday, May 14, 2010 at 23:14:17 :
With the compound bore wheel cylinders any puslsation caused by a drum truly out of round would cause an amplified pedal movement in comparison to a standard / same size bore cylinder. An equal amount of linear movement in the same direction of the two ends (both moving toward the front of vehicle then both moving toward of the rear of the vehicle)will cause some fluid to constantly move in and out of the compound wheel cylinder. This is due to the different fluid amounts being displaced or taken up by the simultaneous equidistant movement of the two different size / bore pistons. This would be especially noticeable with light pedal pressure. As to why it is coming and going, in addition to the response by Keith, I would check to see that something is not coming loose allowing the drum center of rotation to change. Wheel bearings? Cracked drum flange? I also agree with Keith - invest in a new master cyl.
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