Posted by copey [] on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 10:54:09 :
spring ,now a lot of people take for granted what this first day means.For most a new season a new beginning , a rebirth . When I was young at age fourteen ,my father passed suddenly in early april ,and with that the right of passage belonging to the eldest ,fell upon me .A few days after the funeral I was getting papers signed by my mother to relieve me of school. A work permit issued and my school records closed .The real world lay ahead of me , I knew what was expected of me and had done this farm work before ,but the responsibility of this all now laid in my hands .It wasn't the spring that scared me ,it was being productive enough to do all that was expected of me to make it successfully to the next spring, that thought , my mind,would turn over and over .The field work kept me busy till the hay crop was due to come off ,the garden and the cutting of fire wood .Then harvesting the field crops carried me quickly into fall .Marketing the livestock bringing all the equipment into the shed ,taking last minute notes on what will need attention for the next season . Then a glance over the entire field to see if all was "right" for next year .Then that thought would come over me like a cold sweat do I have enough to make it until spring .Enough wood ,canned goods ,meat,potatoes , feed for livestock and so on .Always on on mind and of course enough cash to pay the bills ! We always turned the corner on winter, some were harder than others but we always seemed to manage . But spring a blessed time would appear the sun would be warm and new life would begin .I have lived many, many springs and grateful to have seen them and enjoyed the coming . Its a good time to be alive ~ Copey
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