Posted by Mark Davis on Friday, November 03, 2000 at 23:45:57:
In Reply to: Interesting numbers. posted by Jim Pace on Friday, November 03, 2000 at 22:25:46:
tax you pay. Screw the charts and what income level the Constitution Bashers in Washington consider "RICH".
The sad fact is that most Americans pay well over 50% of the income to taxes. And it doesn't matter who is in office-THEY ALL WANT YOUR MONEY!!!
Federal, state, county, property, sales, just to name a few of the fixed yearly taxes, some of which were in violation of our Constitution. Even after working for most of your life and paying into S.S.I., if you live to receive it- it is taxed. Lose a loved one, and be taxed to death. This is starting to sound like a Beatles song. What was it called??? Oh yes, "TAXMAN"!!!
Of course, all this does not even scratch the surface, car registration, bridge and hiway tolls...and if you are not careful, B.B. will take your property.
"The country may go under, but the government must survive." We need a major change from a 2 party system.