Posted by D. Sherman [] on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 22:22:28 :
In Reply to: Yahoo! just reported Brown's victory. posted by Chewie [] on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 22:01:13 :
...making her concession speech. She blathered on and on about this and that, but the main thing is that it was a concession speech she was making. Now let's hope Scott Brown can survive 6 years in DC without either quitting in disgust or become just another politician. Already the Democrats are talking about various sorts of political machinations they can use to get obamacare passed despite Scott Brown, things like having Massachusetts stall as long as possible before certifying his victory, and getting obamacare passed in the meantime, or having the House approve the bill that the Senate already approved, even though they don't like it, because then they wouldn't have to re-negotiate and have another vote.
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