Posted by Vaughn [] on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 13:44:40 :
In Reply to: Re: VPW (Vintage Power Wagons) posted by mannyc [] on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 12:08:26 :
John already has a lot of FFPW stuff because most of the 3/4 ton interchanges with the FFPW. He has done great things with his repro parts and I like you, I'm glad to see him doing it.
I do buy the old Military leather seals and if prepared properly before installation, they will provide good service. I installed a pinion seal 5 years ago, WW2 Military surplus leather, and it has yet to start leaking. Don't overlook the old leather seals. They can still privide good service at an unbeatable price.
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