Posted by LinK [] on Friday, December 04, 2009 at 20:37:44 :
Hello, everyone!
You may remember Joe posted something in October about Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
He did that because I asked him to.
On October 15th I found out that the lump on my right breast was cancerous.
This past Monday I had the lump removed.
I found out earlier today that there is no disease in any adjacent tissue and there's every evidence to believe that the surgery removed the entire cancerous area.
In a month or so I will start radiation (locally) and then chemo to make sure no stray cells have migrated and made a home anywhere else in my body.
I will totally beat this and come out stronger for the experience. I have to credit alot of factors for the profound success of my journey so far, starting with my doctor who I trust with my life completely and the love and support I have received from family and friends from all areas of my life.
I've already shared this with a handful of friends but the reason I now want share this publicly is to get the message out to ALL women to get a routine mammogram every year (starting at 40!) and don't do what I did and deny, procrastinate and ignore a lump or even a funny sensation. Get it checked out right away!
My recent battle has showed me how many ways I am so blessed for the love and support and outreach I have received. It is truly humbling how fortunate I am to have so many special people in my life.
So, I request no pity or sympathy from anyone. Instead I request a promise to share my story with the women in your life so that what I've been going through can perhaps be avoided by someone else.
Like a player on my favorite football team said on the first Sunday in October when the NFL players wore special gloves and shoes for Breast Cancer Awareness... "Rock That Pink"
Thanks, Joe, for the opportunity and the space you provide for ALL OF US to come together as a community.
Linda Kenney
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