Posted by lakelanierpwrwgn [] on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 21:24:19 :
Trying to decide if I should try to retore my original brakes or just go ahead and upgrade to dics brakes. The truck is a 1950 ffpw and it currently has no brakes and the mastercylinder filler cap was off when I got it. I plan to restore to a nice driver, but for know trying to get some input on if it is worth it to try and get original brakes working or go ahead and do disc brakes? I have not pulled the hubs yet to see how bad shoes, drums and wheel cylinders are.
Also any ideas for a replacement seat as the original seat was replaced with a ??? seat prior to me but was in very bad condition so now looking for an original or something to make look close to original? my milk crate isn't exactly dot legal.
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