Posted by John (in NH) [] on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 20:08:32 :
I figured the COTM likes follow-up so here goes :)
As people suggested, the electrical problem with my '47 was an easy fix. After spending an hour checking all connections and continuity I resorted to taking the battery clamps off and wire brushing them. Doh! Everything worked again. Kind of weird as the clamps were on tight, but corrosion must of gotten to them.
The initial problem with the stuck clutch is being remedied with a reverse wood clamp holding the clutch down. I'm hoping that in a week or so it'll be de-stickified and good to go. The question: if the clutch doesn't unstick by either starting it in gear and hitting the brakes or with the clutch held down for a week or so, is there an easy way to get access to the clutch besides taking the transmission off?
Thanks for the help.
Follow Ups: