Why does EPA want to eliminate Soy Biodiesel?

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Posted by Don in Missouri [] on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 12:15:10 :

In Reply to: What is the Renewable Fuel Standard? posted by Don in Missouri [] on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 12:01:05 :

EPA believes that a successful US biodiesel program will encourage land owners in South America to plant more soybeans. EPA is penalizing US producers for the potential greenhouse gas emissions that may come from foreign producers, even though the federal law already prohibits the use of product from these new acres. I could go on and on explaining why EPA's quantification is technically wrong. But what should concern you more is EPA's regualtion of indirect effects.

Imagine if the EPA prohibited you from changing your own oil, because your neighbor pours his used oil down the drain.

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