Posted by copey on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 21:35:47 :
In Reply to: Re: gasket sealer posted by Desoto61 on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 20:17:33 :
If all parts are machined flat square and such, gaskets would be unnecasray BUT because there are varattions between parts a gasket is used > to seal between two mating surfaces and fill the irregularitys that exist > say on your. thermostat housing is clean and not bent out of shape a minimun of gasket sealer is needed > my approach for over half a century was to sand all parts mirrior shine any parts going on > Then check even the "new parts for straightness ) i have seen chiesil divets from the last guy who took off the last rebuilt water pump > i would glue the gasket to the block with yellow weather strip adhesive aka gorrila snot after 3 or 4 minutes the gasket is solid to the block > this means that the gasket will not slip or move during assembly > on the part to be installled would get a minumum amount of a sealer if any > a little silicone is cheap insurance > the next big step is to TIGHTEN ALL THE BOLTS AND NUTS in sequence and if the bolts are going in to a water jackets then i would sealer the bolts that come into contact water ~ copey
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