Posted by copey on Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at 15:27:54 :
In Reply to: Re: Voltage Reg issue - Need opinions and feedback posted by Bob Stopka in Panama City on Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at 10:45:39 :
In a typiacl charging system 12 6 0r 48 the theroy is the same > ok every thing being equal the amp meter should always just be at zero or slghtly to the charging side > why ? at this point the battery is suffcient to run all electrical equipment > case (1) lets say the truck was cold and wet and we cranked for several minutes the truck starts > what has happened you have dropped the battery voltage low enough to close the points engerize the fields and the amp meter because of the power to that battery is flowing and the generator is replenishing the battery the amp meter swings to a higher charge and should come back to zero or just a little above in a few minutes perhaps 20 or so > Case (2)You are parked engine is running at a idle You have on heater wiper high beams cab light ok so at a idle your points are closed BUT because of the slow speed of the engine the generator might only be producing 10 amps BUt you are drawing 30 amps FROM the battery so the amp gauge is in the negative 20 amps or show ing a discharge this is normal till you get moving and generator gets to full speed when you drive off gauge will go back to nornmal again just above the 0 to the plus side Case (3) you driving along running at near max engine speed the amp gauge is going over to the charge side 20 30 amps Two possibilties the points have stuck on and a over charging condition exists or there is a short in the battery drawing voltage requiring a charge Case(4) amp gauge is in the minus at all times genorator has packed it in or the regulator is not functioning ~ copey
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