Posted by copey on Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at 22:09:37 :
In Reply to: Re: How it should work - COPEY, Thanks...PLEASE READ MORE posted by Bob Stopka on Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at 19:39:10 :
Ok what could be happening if you have fused the points on the regulator and PRYED them open the tension Could have changed which affects the upper voltage setting and causing a high rate of charge > what i would do to test this > is but a load on the battery for a few minutes IE head lights on for 20 minutes or pull the coil wire off and crank several times but crank no more than 30 seconds at a time til the battery is at 6 volts > then i would put a voltmeter on the battery and start the truck and i would watch to SEE when the points open if the points dont open after 15 to 20 minutes AND THE BATTERY VOLTAGE is OVER 7.5 Thats the problem first step i would check ~ Copey
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